Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mortgage Guarantee Programs Thru HUD

The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sector of the U.S. Government was established in 1965 for the original purpose of policy making for housing and city development. Since the mid-1970's, HUD's focus has moved primarily to housing. One of HUD's primary functions is a lending facilitator(loan guarantee) for low to middle income level people trying to acquire a loan to purchase a home.HUD works closely with other housing loan programs such as the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or Fannie Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLM or Freddie Mac) which is a Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) In short, a GSE is a stockholder-owned, privately managed corporation(s) chartered by Congress in 1970, with the purpose of keeping money flowing to mortgage lenders. Some examples of HUD/FHA guaranteed loan programs are: FHA's Section 203(b) program of One-to-Four Family Home Mortgage Insurance, which will provide insurance to finance home ownership,  FHA's section 203(k) program for Rehabilitation Loan Insurance which insures loans to finance One-to-Four Family property Rehabilitation, FHA programs to prevent foreclosure, FHA's Insurance for Condominium Units section 234(c), Adjustable Rate Mortgages section 251, Manufactured Home Loan Insurance Title I,  Energy Efficient Mortgage Insurance, which is insurance to finance energy efficient improvements made to a dwelling, and Insured Mortgages on Indian Land section 248. In addition, HUD provides capital advances for supporting housing for the elderly section 202 and grants for substantial repairs to eligible multifamily projects owned by private nonprofit organizations. In the last decade, HUD has turned their attention to the Community as a whole and has initiated Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), dividing grant money between Entitlement and Non-Entitlement development needs, CDBG technical assistance grants, CDBG for disaster relief, and CDBG grants for Insular areas of the United States. Please note, these are only a handful of programs that fall under HUD's jurisdiction. For further information, please access the HUD website provided.

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